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  • Meeting with students who identify as having a 残疾/learning need (whether based 有残疾或需要学习技巧支援者).
  • 审阅残疾学生提供的文件.
  • Determining academic 住宿 in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990; 修订案, 2008).
  • Providing training, education, and consultation to faculty regarding various 残疾的人 学习需求.
  • Advising departments, programs, and the administration regarding the College’s statutory 对残疾学生的义务.



  • 推荐包容性教学策略.
  • 讨论所要求的学术调整的适当性以及如何实施 学生有资格获得的调整.
  • Offer educational consultation and training regarding various 残疾的人, associated 准入障碍和包容战略.
  • Advise you as to whether a particular technology or other instructional tool is accessible 并且遵守联邦法律.


你会很高兴知道你不必做那个决定. 根据联邦法律, eligibility for academic 住宿 is determined when a student presents qualified documentation and in an interactive process with a member of the 残疾人服务 Center. 残疾服务每学期提供一封信,通知教员 每个学生都有权享受的合理住宿. 民权办公室 has repeatedly emphasized that the authority and responsibility for determining eligibility 和住宿由残疾服务办公室(或同等机构)提供。.


Academic 住宿 are determined on the basis of qualified documentation that 识别特定功能限制的存在. 然后是住宿 based on what would be considered reasonable, according to state and federal legislation for removing barriers to access or “leveling the playing field” and the learning environment 在MCCC.

我是否应该问一个挣扎的学生他们是否已经被检测或诊断出患有自闭症 残疾?

不,你不应该问这个问题. 相反,你应该谈谈你的担忧 particular skill and/or knowledge deficits relevant to your course, as you would with 任何学生.


除非你收到了一份住宿信,表明学生已经 provided appropriate documentation with recommended 住宿 from the Disability 服务办公室,你不需要提供住宿. 教师不应该 尝试评估教育、医疗或心理报告. 如果一个学生 you such documentation or requests 住宿, return the paperwork to the student 转介他或她到残疾服务中心.

What are my obligations regarding 隐私 and confidentiality about any 残疾-related 我从学生或残疾服务中心收到的信息?

The College policy for 服务 for 学生 with Disabilities states, “Faculty should refrain from discussing a student's issues regarding 残疾的人 and 住宿 for them in the presence of other students, or to faculty or staff not directly involved 在住宿过程中.”

I received a letter informing me a student has a 残疾 and recommends specific 住宿,但没有说明残疾. 难道我不想知道吗?

No. 披露有关残疾性质或类型的具体信息 在大多数情况下,不需要充分适应学生的 学习需要. 披露或不披露是学生的选择. 不管 of the goodness of intent, instructors should not attempt to elicit information about 学生状况的性质. 《bt365体育备用网站》和第504条保护学生的 隐私.

残疾人服务 informed me of a students 残疾 and the need for 住宿 这个学生也没有和我谈过. 我该怎么办??

学生 are encouraged to speak with each faculty member to ensure mutual understanding 如何为特定的班级提供建议的住宿. 如果他们 do not request a meeting, you may ask to meet with them to discuss the 住宿 if needed, but receipt of a current Letter of 住宿 is sufficient to “activate” 住宿. 然而,对特定住宿的影响的担忧应该 不是寄给学生,而是直接寄给残疾服务中心.

The 学期 is well underway and I have just received a student’s Letter of 住宿. Is there a deadline by which students must request academic 住宿 for a given 学期?

申请残疾住宿没有截止日期. 一个人可能会发展 a 残疾 in the course of a 学期 or a pre-existing condition that formerly did not substantially impact the student’s academic performance may have become exacerbated. Additionally, m任何学生s decide they want to try to attend without 住宿, 但发现这是不现实的. 后者在传统时代是相当常见的 incoming students who experienced stigma and/or shame as a result of receiving services 在k - 12.

Am I obligated to apply 住宿 in a post-hoc fashion to a student’s performance 如果我在学期结束后收到住宿通知书的话,我就可以参加了? The student disclosed they were impacted by the condition addressed by the 住宿 但是没能去残疾人服务中心.


我该怎么办? if a student hasn’t identified themselves as having a learning need, 但我怀疑是有必要的?

If you suspect a student has a 残疾 but has not identified her/himself, it is suggested you meet with the student privately, give feedback on what you have observed, 询问学生是否需要帮助. 如果答案表明有历史记录 of a 残疾, explain that the 残疾人服务 Center may be of help and provide 信息查询. 如果学生拒绝这个建议,尊重他的决定.

I understand that all my course materials must be accessible, including syllabi, videos 以及在Canvas上发布的指定视频和阅读材料. 我如何获得帮助 履行这一义务?

  • The 图书馆 can assist with the identification of captioned videos when choosing your 内容.
  • IT知识库提供了使用TechSmith创建的视频字幕说明 Relay(原Camtasia).
  • IT知识库有多种资源来指导可访问性的生产 文件,包括PDF和PowerPoint格式.
  • 残疾人服务 provides accessible textbooks to students with documented print 残疾的人.
  • 残疾人服务 can assist in the conversion of classroom handouts to an accessible format for students with print 残疾的人 with 1-2 weeks’ notice, depending upon 材料的性质和复杂性.

一个学生给了我一份住宿通知书,他的行为有点 这对课堂是有破坏性的. 我该怎么办??

所有学生,无论是否有残疾,都必须遵守学院的规定 行为准则. 如果一个残疾学生表现出问题行为, you should first address this with him or her as you would with a non-disabled student, 在私人场合. 用具体的术语确定所涉及的行为的性质 you, the impact on the class, and describe the changes needed to ensure a productive 为所有学生提供尊重的学习环境. 邀请学生讨论 如何做到这一点呢. (E.g.,如果一个学生在课堂上用问题主导课堂 或评论,学生可能会限制他或她的贡献在2-3次 the class, try to limit remarks to a couple of sentences, and address remaining points 给你发邮件或课后.)

我和那个学生谈过破坏性行为 ...

  1. 该学生告诉我这是由于残疾,并提醒我她/他有残疾 残疾人服务中心提供的住宿. 我必须适应这些行为吗 它们是由于残疾造成的?
  2. 这个学生同意改变他或她的行为,但似乎做不到 以持续的方式. 现在发生了什么??

In both cases, you should contact the 残疾人服务 Center to discuss the situation. 而所有学生,无论残疾状况如何,都必须遵守学院的规定 code of conduct, students with 残疾的人 that impact their ability to do so must be offered appropriate supports if these exist, to participate in College programs 和活动. 人们往往不知道对这类支持的需要 to 残疾人服务 or the student when the original Letter of Accommodation was 写.

A student has brought a dog to class and informs me that it is a service animal; however, 我没有收到残疾服务的任何通知. 我需要许可证吗 课堂上的动物?

服务性动物受《bt365体育备用网站》保护.D.A. 修订案. 再者,权利 be accompanied by a service animal is considered a matter of access, rather than an 住宿. 需要服务性动物的人不需要申请许可 就像一个需要轮椅的人不需要得到的一样 许可. 请注意,这种保护只适用于服务性动物(只有狗和狗) occasionally miniature horses); it does not apply to emotional support animals (sometimes 被称为安慰动物或治疗动物). 请记住,有些残疾是针对哪些人的 人使用服务性动物是看不见的. 关于这个话题的问题,请提问 联络残疾服务主任.


我们的团队周一到周五上午9点有空.m. 到5点.m. 

你可透过电邮联络残障服务 残疾的人@immersionenglish.net or 215-641-6575.